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Live streaming

Should you be using professionals to broadcast on live streaming platforms? If you want to enjoy far superior visual and sound quality to a video call, then yes. If you want to avoid the blunders that can crop up during live streaming, then yes! Because achieving the ultimate WOW effect takes preparation!

Live streams, a good idea?

Meticulously managed live streams demand a great deal of equipment and talent. As well as this, if your communication strategy doesn’t require live streaming, or if you aren’t planning on having any interaction, you could record your content to broadcast later to be on the safe side. However, if you want some interaction and live broadcasting could be a powerful tool for your communication strategy, we can make sure your live streams are a success. With the resources and ideas to get the most out of them.

Preparation is the absolute key to the success of any live stream!

Whether it’s a conference, a product launch, a workshop, an awards ceremony or a concert… if you are hoping to interact with your audience, whether in person or remotely, we have lots of ideas to share with you to keep your audience on the edge of their seat. We’ve also got plenty of fantastic tips for your audiovisual content to make your live stream really stand out:

  • multiple cameras to offer different viewpoints
  • graphics
  • transitions
  • banners for each speaker
  • addition of music etc.

All of this will set the pace for your live stream. As long as everything is carefully prepared, working closely with you, so that nothing is left to chance.

Bring your live stream to life. Even after it’s finished!

The benefit of working with an audiovisual production agency for your live stream is clear. Because we think about every detail that will improve the reliability of your live stream: like testing the connection and managing the stream, with backup plans in case there’s a problem. What’s more, we have all the sound and image equipment you need, so we can manage the different shots via the Multicam and add graphics and credits live, without forgetting aspects relating to the script. Do you need to live dubbing or subtitles? We can take care of that!

Everything you need to create that WOW effect and generate great content for the future. Of course, this might just be a replay, but it might also be useful for communication or promotional tools that you will be able to use later. To sum up, a professional live stream will have multiple incarnations.

You want a captivating video
that raises your visibility?